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  • July 4, 2024
Tip: EU to continue supporting Tanzania on Clean Cooking.
Tip: Women are emphasized to shift to Clean Cooking Energy to avoid detrimental health effects from the use of charcoal and firewood. Also, the use of Clean Cooking Energy sources will help to reduce the current country substantial increase in deforestation as the result of cutting down trees for charcoal and firewood.
Tip: Prime Minister, Hon. Kassim Majaliwa orders responsible authorities to supervise the implementation of government plan for governmental institutions with at least 100 inhabitants to shift to Clean Cooking Energy especially LPG.
Tip: President Samia outline four (04) hindrances to adopt Clean Cooking.
Tip: Clean Cooking Energy to save community from Dirty Cooking Energy sources emissions.
Tip: President Samia leader on Clean Cooking Energy,
Tip: Seven (7) President orders concerning Clean Cooking.
Tip: LPG stakeholders give praises to government on supporting clean cooking energy sources.
Tip: Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) mobilize the use of LPG as clean and healthier to protect environment.
Tip: Women in Zanzibar delighted from LPG use convenience as they save time spent to collect firewood and environmental conservation.
Tip: Selling LPG cylinders without weigh balance to be fined Tsh 300,000/= ( ~120 USD)
Tip: The efforts to be made on the LPG uses for cooking in East Africa.
Tip: Tanzania’s LPG companies strive to position LPG a leading source of cooking energy.
Tip: 1 Billion Tsh offered to ban the use of firewood in prisons.
Tip: Call for National Building Army ( JKT) to stop using charcoal and firewood for cooking.

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