
LPG DAY 2024: We are celebrating the countless benefits of LPG on June 7. Join us on raising awareness around the world!

At 4 Points Hotel: 9th February 2024,5:00pm
Director of the LPG Expo Organization, Catherine Ho, welcoming guests at the opening of the East African LPG Expo Conference in Dar es Salaam.
The Chairman of the Tanzania LPG Association (TZLPGA), who is also the Managing Director of Oryx Gas, Benoit Araman, delivering a speech on behalf of LPG companies during the opening of the East African LPG Expo Conference.
Stakeholders from private and public sectors in East Africa and other nations around the world gathered for a group photo during the East African LPG Expo Conference.

In March 2023, East African LPG Expo Conference was conducted in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. This event was held at Johari Rotana Hotel from March 15th to 16th, 2023. The conference aimed at promoting LPG consumption as a clean transitional energy source, especially for Developing countries including East Africa.During the conference, there was a strong emphasis on encouraging communities to intensify the utilization of clean cooking energy sources such as LPG to mitigate health, environmental and economic hardship.

In conference opening remarks, the Chairman of the Tanzania LPG Association (TZLPGA), Benoit Araman, who also serves as the Managing Director of Oryx Gas in Tanzania emphasized the importance of capitalizing on investment opportunities in LPG to reach a broader segment of the population that is yet to adopt clean cooking energy. He underlined that there was a substantial untapped household LPG market and that it is indeed in line with the commitment of the government, led by President Samia Suluhu Hassan, to promote its utilization.

Regarding the significance of hosting the conference, Mr. Benoit underscored that it was a proactive step in promoting the adoption of clean cooking energy, a choice with numerous advantages. These benefits include combatting health, environmental degradation and supporting economic empowerment by saving time compared to traditional cooking methods such as firewood and charcoal.
Furthermore, Mr. Benoit explained that holding the conference in Tanzania was a strategic move by LPG companies to support President Samia’s government in creating investment opportunities within the gas energy sector.

The conference attracted stakeholders from various countries, including members of the East African Community such as Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi, as well as international companies deeply involved in the global LPG industry.

Engineer Felchesmi Mramba, the Ministry of Energy’s Permanent Secretary, delivered remarks on behalf of the Minister of Energy. Catherine Ho, the Director of the LPG Expo Company, stated that the conference served as a crucial platform for raising awareness and promoting investment in Tanzania’s household energy sector. More than 800 participants attended the conference, including energy experts who emphasized the sector’s pivotal role in economic development.

Along with this conference, there was an official launch of the Tanzania LPG Association (TZLPGA) after being established in August 2022. The Association is entrusted with the responsibility of promoting and unifying the LPG industry as well as providing guidance on various LPG matters.