About Us

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Executive Director’s Welcome Note


Dear Visitor,

We are pleased to note that you are visiting our website, and we are grateful for sparing part of your precious time in doing so. As Association, we are privileged by the Visionary decisive action by our Founding Members who crafted the Association, and we believe that, your choice to visit our website will generate valuable and reliable information you expect to get. Kindly, note that, we are always striving to improve the contents of the website so if you think that something needs to be improved, we are ready to receive your input through our contacts in this website and we promise, we shall action accordingly in line with our communication policy.

Energy is one of the important end products of various forms of matter thus, solid, liquid, and gaseous materials. Energy drives the world’s economy and indeed, each country’s economy. The type and amount of energy produced and used in each country may define or indicate how advanced the economy and general well-being of the society in that country is. The most indispensable use of energy is cooking food, and because food is one of the most basic needs of a human being, cooking energy is the most important one because it is for people’s lives. It, therefore, makes sense to pay special attention to cooking energy sources, especially “relative clean sources”. In Tanzania and, of course, most developing countries, the most used source of cooking energy is biomass, thus fuelwood and charcoal as well as paraffin (kerosene). These types of sources of cooking energy are used because they are easily accessible, affordable, reliable, and traditionally known.

It is understood that Tanzania and most developing countries ratified the UN 17 GOALS – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including GOAL No.7: “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”. According to World Health Organization (WHO) and Clean Cooking Alliance Organization, air pollution is a leading environmental risk where about 4 million (including about 450,000 children under 5 years) people succumb to dirty fuels per year. Furthermore, about 16% of air pollution globally comes from household air pollution caused by dirty fuels, which contributes to respiratory diseases. Climate change effects such as drought, floods, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, et al., are also caused by using biomass through deforestation and carbon footprint production.

Due to the adverse effects of biomass or dirty energy sources, it is important that dirty fuels are replaced by alternative transitional source (s) of clean cooking energy. Tanzania has set a plan to shift at least 80% of its people from dirty to clean energy by 2033. As Association, we believe that, to achieve that target, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) product being relatively cleaner and more versatile than other alternative sources of cooking energy especially biomass, seems to be the most compelling solution to achieve that target. Tanzania’s scenario very well, represents other developing countries energy transformation landscape.

The Association is therefore geared to deliver its aspiration to signifying the indispensable relevance of LPG product to the Tanzania society and economy so please, join us in this Undertaking!


Eng. Amos J.Mwansumbule

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We are driving a new era of sustainable growth and safety in the LPG industry.

Liquid Petroleum and Gas Association (TZLPGA) was founded in 2022 and launched in March 2023. The Association’s primary function is to unify the voices of all its members and act in the best interest of its members as well as further those interests through ensuring a sustainable growth and safe LPG industry in Tanzania. The LPG sector involves importation, storage, distribution and marketing of LPG products and related services in Tanzania and neighboring countries.

The Association’s desire is to improve lives and protect the environment through the use of LPG as a transitional source of modern energy in line with Tanzania’s Vision for Clean Cooking Energy 2033 and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Clean Energy by 2030.


Our Governing Structure
